Motherhood Life Hack 1: Reduce Stress
Here’s a way to Clear-Your-Mind, and reduce the everyday stress of Trying-to-Remember!
The “Stop to Observe” Challenge
Stop for a mo’ and write down every single thing that’s bothering you in a notebook. Your aim? To clear what’s in your head, and dump everything you are trying to remember out into physical space. And once you do, it will be such a relief not to have to try and remember all that stuff!
One big reason you do this is to measure what’s going on. How else can you get a handle on the stresses in your life unless you can see all the demands in front of you?
This challenge is great to do even if it means getting up 30-minutes early, or staying up 30-minutes before bed. If it takes longer than that, stop! Keep going tomorrow for another 30 minutes.
Write it down, don’t type. Writing gives your brain a chance to process what’s going on for you much better than typing.
Motherhood Life Hack 1:
Organise the thoughts in your head
- A To Do list: Emails; Tasks; Phone calls, Shopping List. These are things you must remember to do.
- Issues and Problems: Maybe your boss is driving you crazy; or you can’t quite work out how to encourage your son to clean his room. List every problem down in just a few words
1. Your To Do List
Divide and Conquer
Look at your list and group the items into sections. Look for similarities such as “House”, “Work”, “Food”, “Kids”, “Julie”, “Friends”. There maybe quite a few sections, but try and fit everything into less than about 10 or 12 groupings.
Delete Double-Ups
If your list is extra large, this is a good step to make it feel more manageable. Go through each group and look carefully. Usually you can see double-ups. You might have several messy rooms, that can be under one heading.
Now, review and re-write your trimmed-down list.
Tackle the To Do list: Take Action!
It may not be reasonable to expect to do everything today. If you don’t complete your entire To Do list in one day, start a fresh list tomorrow and add the not-yet-done items there.
And oh the release! How good to cross off all those things done. Talk about a great way to reduce stress!
2. Your Issues and Problems
Work through the issues bothering you
Buy a journal – whatever you like. It could be a cheap spiral-bound notebook, or a plush leather-bound journal. For each issue answer these questions:
- Can I do anything about it? (If it’s NO, then you must decide to let it go.)
- Have I already tried to do something about it? What was the outcome?
- Is there another angle or perspective on this problem?
- Who can help me with this?
- Is there something I have done that made this problem worse?
- What is God saying to me about this problem?
Usually by the time you have written down answers to these questions, you get some clarity about the way forward. You can read more about the benefits of regular journal writing HERE >>>
Do you want to be a successful mother? Well, every successful mother struggles – you are not alone. The struggles are things we all face. Actually, motherhood struggles are completely normal. And they are a path to personal growth and maturity.
“Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never gave up despite their struggles.”
Reduce Stress using Motherhood Life Hack 1
Getting on top of motherhood stress is a work in progress, not an instant overnight fix. However, you by consistently clearing out, day-by-day, you will reduce stress. And that’s got to be better, not just for you, but for E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E!